Ration Support for an Injured Laborer

In a heartfelt case, we've encountered a laborer who is currently unable to work due to a feet injury. During this challenging time, we aim to provide support to his family by offering a ration pack that costs Rs. 5000. Your contribution can make a significant impact in easing the burden on this hardworking individual

Help Her Pursue Education

We have come across the story of a remarkably deserving student who is in dire need of support to continue her education. She carries the responsibility of being the sole breadwinner in her household, but financial constraints have become a significant obstacle to her educational aspirations. She desperately needs your help to overcome these challenges

Supporting a Dedicated Laborer in Need

In a verified case, we have encountered a physically disabled yet exceptionally hardworking laborer who is facing financial challenges due to a loan he took to build his house. His determination and resilience have been unwavering, but now he finds himself unable to repay the loan. We are on a mission to collect Rs. 20,000

Supporting a Family in Need

We’ve been made aware of the challenging circumstances faced by a strong and determined lady from a sufaid posh family. She has encountered the loss of her job and is now a divorced mother of two children. Her current financial situation has made it impossible for her to pay her daughter’s school fees for the

Supporting a Deserving UPR Student

In a verified case that tugs at our hearts, we’ve encountered a highly deserving student at UPR who is facing a significant challenge. The loss of her father has left her in a precarious financial situation, making it difficult to meet her educational expenses. Her semester fee amounts to approximately Rs. 32,500. Your contribution can

Helping a Young Girl’s Fight for Health

We’ve encountered a heart-wrenching case involving a young girl, aged 11 to 12 years old, who is grappling with a kidney issue, specifically affecting her left kidney. Her family’s livelihood depends on manual labor, and they are grappling with the financial burden of her medical situation. We’ve set a target of raising Rs. 10,000 to

Supporting a Deserving Family’s Livestock Livelihood

We have come across a case of an incredibly deserving family whose primary source of income comes from selling buffalo’s milk. Unfortunately, they are facing financial challenges that threaten their ability to sustain their livelihood through livestock. We aim to collect funds to ensure they can continue to earn a living through their livestock. Your

Supporting a Deserving Student in Need

In a touching case, we have encountered a highly deserving student who is facing significant challenges. Following the tragic loss of her father, she now shoulders the responsibility of three sisters and a younger brother. As a result, she is unable to meet her educational expenses, with a semester fee of Rs. 25,000 looming as

Empower the Dreams of Two Visually Impaired Students

We have received a heartwarming case involving two visually impaired students who are in need of support. These determined individuals are striving to pursue their education, but they face financial challenges. The due amount for their educational needs is Rs. 7,000. Your assistance can make a significant impact on their lives and empower their dreams.

Urgent Help Needed to Save a Life

In a critical situation, we have a woman admitted to the hospital requiring immediate gallbladder stone removal surgery. Her husband, working as an office boy, is struggling to cover the medical expenses for this life-saving procedure. Your support can be the difference between life and death for this patient. We urgently appeal for your assistance